Arizona Pontiac Power Group club page
upcoming events-
19th annual Pontiac Heaven weekend 2017 TBA
67th ave/Bell rd cruise- each Sat eve- 5pm
4th Friday cruise in pizza night at Nicantoni's
We had a nice turnout Fri, Sept 23 but, then learned that was the last show night as Nicantoni's is moving. We have not been told if it will continue in a new location, check back.
If you have comments, questions, want to add an event or meeting, email Steve
Our 3rd annual Pontiac powered Drag Series is scheduled to start soon. Contact us if interested in racing or helping. More to be posted-
We are fans of Pontiac power! The Pontiac engine was made from 1955-1981 but, in the 90s a strong aftermarket number of companies have made reproductions and improvements to this great V8 that continues to this day and beyond! Some of us are collectors, some restore, some race, some drive them daily but, we all share a common bond based on this engine. Pontiac also made a 4cyl Tempest in the early 60s, a OHC 6 in the mid 60s. We welcome those fans as well plus the pre '55 flathead era too! If you like the vintage GTOs, Trans Ams, Catalinas, GPs, Bonnevilles, Tempest/Lemans, Firebirds and other Pontiacs built prior to 1981, this is your place to meet up! The only requirement to join is to use your real name. we do not want anonymous names as we want to get to know each other. You do not need to own one of these cars, just like to have fun and be with people who do! We will be setting up different kinds of casual meetings, cruises, shows, racing, pizza, concerts, etc. Whatever we can do to get out and socialize.
Phoenix area auto related swap meets-
Sunday, January 8 Glendale community college